Thursday, June 08, 2006

"My Life:" a cannibalistic story?

(all sic and with good lines, I think, marked in bold!)

"My Life"

Well, here I am, Miss Cookie Coconut. I was born on June 1, 1976. I was born on a coconut tree in Tennessee. If you think there are no coconuts in Tennessee your wrong. I was born in a rich family. Everybody says if your rich you can go anywhere you want. So we got an all-weather coconut tree and moved to Johnson City, East Tennessee.

When I was one year old I weighed two pounds. That's a lot for a baby coconut! I got a coconut cream pie for my birthday. When I was three I fell off the tree. I fell 12 feet. It didn't hurt very much because of my hard shell. What a relief! One morning while I was asleep I felt that I was being carried. I looked up and saw a human being. They're our worst enemies! It took me into a room and then went out. When it came back he had a hacksaw in its hand. I rolled off the table and rolled away as fast as I could. But it caught me and put me back on the table. He was about to saw me in half but I rolled off again. I waited for it to put me back on the table. Then I jumped up as high as possible and landed on his head. I rolled fast as a coconut can go and rolled through the screen door. I kept on rolling until I went into a bush. Right about then I heard a noise. I was scared. Was it the human being? Then I saw it was just my big brother. I told him what happened and we rolled away.

When I was five I went to a beauty pagent. There were five other contestants. Miss Rutabaga, Miss Cherry, Miss Corn, Miss Pineapple, and Miss Rhubarb. Miss Corn was first. She was very shy and walked fast. Next was Miss Cherry. Boy, she looked liked a cherry. She was the cheeriest, cherriest cherry I ever saw. Her face was red as a radish. Then came Miss Rutabaga. She thought she was beautiful. She walked like a tomato. She must have really wanted to win. After her came Miss Pineapple. I don't know how she could think she would win. She had an ugly face but a pretty body. Then right before me came Miss Rhubarb. I've never seen a rhubarb before. I wonder why? I thought she was the prettiest. Then came me. I was so nervous I almost fell out of my skin! After I was through the judges went out. I wonder who won? Then the judges came out. Miss Fruit and Vegetable Queen 1975 came out. She was a peach. They announced that Miss Corn (had won). She nearly fainted. The runner-up was Miss Coconut. I won. I was so happy. Miss Corn and I went backstage and everybody congratulated us. That was the happiest day of my life!

I remember when my mother died. It was so sad! She fell off the tree and broke her head. I didn't say a word all day. They buried her by the coconut tree. Now I am ten. I will die soon because most coconuts die about now. I want to be buried by my mother and father. It's time for me to go to bed now.

This last paragraph is a harsh segue from the previous two: I suppose that the joy of doing so well at the beauty pageant didn't overcome the stresses of the near hacksaw trauma by the "human being"! (I told a therapist a long time ago that I thought that people were more likely to do me harm than good.)

Seriously, though, I had a tough year around when I wrote this. My life followed a pattern just like the story above: Something scary or traumatic might happen to me, which would make me anxious. Afterwards, I might become distracted by something fun. But before too long, the depressing reality of life landed on me again.

To me, that last sentence of the story is one of total resignation to my dreary fate!