Wednesday, May 24, 2006

no rhyme or reason... these last three posts. Just trying to find something to put in my blog. It's a, after all.
These are very long, so feel free to skip over and scroll on down the page.

dead in bed
Night falls fast.
Today is the past.
Blown from the dark hill hither to my door
Three flakes, then four
Arrive, then many more.
• Edna St. Vincent Millay

The common purpose is to seek a solution.
The common goal is cessation of consciousness.
The common stimulus is unbearable psychological pain.
The common stressor is frustrated psychological needs.
The common emotion is hopelessness-helplessness.
The common cognitive state is ambivalence.
The common perceptual state is constriction.
The common action is escape.
The common interpersonal act is communication of intention.
The common consistency is consistency of lifelong styles.
• Edwin Shneidman

What a job is this, to measure lightning with a footrule, the heart's turbulence with a pair of callipers.
• Norman MacCaig

There are things you see that you can't unsee. They get in your head and stay there.
• "Max" in 8mm

Hope now,—not health, nor cheerfulness,
Since they can come and go again,
As often one brief hour witnesses,—
Just hope has gone forever.
• Edward Thomas

Razors pain you;
Rivers are damp;
Acids stain you;
And drugs cause cramp.
Guns aren't lawful;
Nooses give;
Gas smells awful;
You might as well live.
• Dorothy Parker

The calm,
Cool face of the river
Asked me for a kiss.
• Langston Hughes

Unfortunately none of us can see far ahead; prophecy is not for us. Hence the paucity of suicides.
• Mark Twain

O, yet we trust that somehow good
Will be the final goal of ill,
To pangs of nature, sins of will,
Defects of doubt, and taints of blood.
• Alfred, Lord Tennyson

But it is always a question whether I wish to avoid these glooms...
These 9 weeks give one a plunge into deep waters....
One goes down into the well & nothing protects one
from the assault of truth.
• Virginia Woolf

But suicides have a special language.
Like carpenters they want to know which tools.
They never ask why build.
• Anne Sexton

Of the demonstrably wise there are but two: those who commit suicide, & those who keep their reasoning faculties atrophied with drink.
• Mark Twain

In all miseries of our earthly life, to be able to compass one's own death is the best of God's gifts to man.
• Pliny

...Time does not heal,
It makes a half-stitched scar
That can be broken and again you feel
Grief as total as in its first hour.
• Elizabeth Jennings

Look to the living, love them, and hold on.
• Douglas Dunn

Suicide is the only sane thing the young or old ever do in this life.
• Mark Twain

The grim bottom line therefore is that suicide, in a double sense, will prove to be the death of the future.
• R. Diekstra

We might say that every human faces this dilemma: He cannot face death unless he is a whole person, yet he can become a truly whole person only by facing death.
• H. Searles

By death a person ceases to be involved in interpersonal relationships and he become a Thing which his fellow men bury in the ground. The act by which a person turns himself into a Thing is called suicide.
• A. H. Chapman

You see, the lightning refuses to strike me--that is where the defect is. We have to do our own striking, as Barney Bernato did. But nobody ever gets the courage till he goes crazy.
• Mark Twain

If suicide is allowed then everything is allowed. If anything is not allowed then suicide is not allowed. This throws light on the nature of ethics, for suicide is, so to speak, the elementary sin.
• L. Wittgenstein

Encompass'd with a thousand dangers
Weary, faint, trembling with a thousand
terrors.... a fleshly tomb, am
Buried above ground.
• William Cowper

What is the fate of the survivors? They are hurt so. That is, the suicidal person puts his psychological skeleton in the survivor's closet. And that's a bitch to have in terms of your memory bank, all the time.
• Edwin Shneidman

I have been half in love with easeful Death.
• John Keats

I balanced all, brought all to mind,
The years to come seemed waste of breath,
A waste of breath the years behind
In balance with this life, this death.
• W. B. Yeats

The grief of the worshippers left behind,
the awful famine in their hearts,
these are too costly terms for the release.
• Mark Twain

There is but one truly serious philosophical problem, and that is suicide. Judging whether life is or is not worth living amounts to answering the fundamental question of philosophy.
• Albert Camus

Had I not read somewhere that a man ought not of his own free will take away his life so long as he could still can perform a good action, I should long ago have been dead--and, indeed, by my own hand.
• Ludwig van Beethoven

There is only one liberty, to come to terms with death. after which everything is possible.
• Albert Camus

The stigma of self-inflicted death is for some people a hateful blot that demands erasure at all costs.
• William Styron

No man is psychologically complete unless he has meditated his own destruction.
• William James

I will not relinquish old age if it leaves my better part intact. But if it begins to shake my mind, if it destroys its faculties one by one, if it leaves me not life but breath, I will depart from the putrid or tottering edifice ... If I must suffer without hope of relief, I will depart.
• Seneca

I that in heill was and gladness
Am trublit now with great sickness
And feblit with infirmitie:—
Timor Mortis contubat me.
• William Dunbar

O when the pride of Graecia's noblest race
Wanders, as now, in darkness and disgrace,
When reason's day
Sets rayless—joyless—quenched in cold decay,
Better to die and sleep
The never waking sleep than linger on
And dare to live, when the soul's life is gone.
• Sophocles

The man who kills a man, kills a man.
The man who kills himself, kills all men.
As far as he is concerned he wipes out the world.
• G. K. Chesterton

It seems a law of nature that the race must pay a penalty for development, and while some develop others must degenerate, hence insanity and suicide must increase as civilization and material progress advance.
• John Chalmers Da Costa

Whoever is oppressed with the burden of life, whoever desires life and affirms it, but abhors its torments, such a man has no deliverance to hope from death, and cannot right himself by suicide.
• Arthur Schopenhauer

Is an art, like everything else.
I do it exceptionally well.
I do it so it feels like hell.
I do it so it feels real.
I guess you could say I've a call.
• Sylvia Plath

Free to die and free in death, able to say a holy No when the time for Yes has passed; thus he knows how to die and to live.
• Friedrich Nietzsche

We fear the thought of suicide, and yet we need to think rationally about it, if we can, because one of the characteristics of our time is precisely that it is a suicidal age.... For the well-to-do—and they are the ones most suicidal—there is comfort, security, no end of distraction, life should be livable and even happy.
• Thomas Merton

As I choose the ship in which I will sail, and the house I will inhabit, so I will choose the death by which I will leave life...The lot of man is happy because no one continues wretched but by his own fault.
• Seneca

In the morning of life the son tears himself loose from the mother, from the domestic hearth, to rise through battle to his destined heights. Always he imagines his worst enemy in front of him, yet he carries the enemy within himself—a deadly longing for the abyss, a longing to drown in his own source, to be sucked down to the realm of the Mothers. His life is a constant struggle against extinction, a violent yet fleeting deliverance from every-lurking night. This death is no external enemy, it is his own inner longing for the stillness and profound peace of all-knowing no-existence, for all-seeing sleep in the ocean of coming-to-be and passing away.
• C. G. Jung

But if I know that I must suffer without hope of relief, I will depart, not through fear of pain itself, but because it prevents all for which I would live.
• Seneca

If God were suddenly condemned to live the life which He has inflicted upon men, He would kill Himself.
• Alexandre Dumas, fils

I remember times when the inner disputation
Was quite fierce (to pursue the game, or sign
A full stop to pain). The call was mine—
Or so it seemed. Each voice a singular temptation:
The beguiling cries of long-for rest,
The easeful quiet, the total peace
—what a boon!—finally to cease
The struggle; to know that nothingness is best.
• ?

If one day, as well may happen, life grows wearisome, there only remains to pour a libation to death and oblivion. A drop of subtle poison will gently close your eyes to the sun, and waft you smiling into the eternal night whence everything comes and to which everything returns.
• Lucretius

Peturbation and lethality are the bad parents of human self-destruction.
• Edwin Shneidman

We have no power to prevent ourselves being born: but we can rectify this error—for it is sometimes an error. When one does away with oneself one does the most estimable things possible: one thereby almost deserves to live.
• Friedrich Nietzsche

Suicide is a tragic drama in the mind.
• Edwin Shneidman

Stretch me no longer in this rough world.
• Lear

For what is suicide but an action to put an end to intolerable emotions?
• Henry A. Murray

It takes far less courage to kill yourself than it takes to make yourself wake up one more time. It's harder to stay where you are than to get out. (For everyone but you, that is.)
• Judith Rossner

Since we can die but once, what matters it,
If rope or garter, poison, pistol, sword,
Slow-wasting sickness, or the sudden burst
Of valve arterial in the noble parts,
Curtail the miseries of human life?
Though varied is the cause, the effect's the same:
All to one common dissolution tends.
• Thomas Chatterton

Do I deserve credit
for not having tried suicide—
or am I afraid
the exotic act
will make me blunder,
not knowing error
is remedied by practice
as our first home-photographs
headless, half-headed, tilting
extinguished by a flashbulb?
• Robert Lowell

A lonely impulse of delight
Drove to this tumult in the clouds;
I balanced all, brought all to mind
The years to come seemed waste of breath,
A waste of breath the years behind
In balance with this life, this death.
• William Butler Yeats

To run away from trouble is a form of cowardice and, while it is true that the suicide braves death, he does it not for some noble object but to escape some ill.
• Aristotle

Suicide is an act of ambition that can be committed only when one has passed beyond ambition.
• A. Alvarez

I know a hundred ways to die.
I've often thought I'd try one:
Lie down beneath a motor truck
Some day when standing by one.
Or throw myself from off a bridge—
Except such things must be
so hard upon the scavengers
And men that clean the sea.

I know some poison I could drink.
I've often thought I'd taste it.
But mother bought it for the sink,
And drinking it would waste it.
• Edna St. Vincent Millay

The hand that whirls the water in the pool
Stirs the quicksand; that ropes the blowing wind
Hauls my shroud sail.
• Dylan Thomas

If I had no sense of humor, I would long ago have committed suicide.
• Mohandas K. Gandhi

Whensoever any affliction assails me, methinks I have the keys of my prison in mine own hand and no remedy presents itself so soon to my heart as mine own sword.
• John Donne

That life is worth living is the most necessary of assumptions, and were it not assumed, the most impossible of conclusions.
• George Santayana

And must I then, indeed, Pain, live with you
All through my life?—sharing my fire, my bed,
Sharing—oh, worst of all things!—the same head?—
And, when I feed myself, feeding you, too?
• Edna St. Vincent Millay

To run away from trouble is a form of cowardice and, while it is true that the suicide braves death, he does it not for some noble object but to escape some ill.
• Aristotle

My ultimate guardian—namely myself—has not just gone off duty, but, so much more dangerously, has become the advocate, the agent of destruction.
• Joel P. Smith

The Heart asks Pleasure—first—
And then—Excuse from Pain— And then—those little Anodynes
That deaden suffering—
And the—to go to sleep—
And then—if it should be
The will of the Inquisitor
The privilege to die—
• Emily Dickinson

Coldly thy rosy shadows bathe me, cold
Are all thy lights, and cold my wrinkled feet
Upon thy glimmering thresholds, when the steam
Floats up from those dim fields about the homes
Of happy men that have the power to die,
And grassy barrows of the happier dead.
• Alfred, Lord Tennyson

I tried to commit suicide by sticking my head in the oven, but there was a cake in it.
• Lesley Boone

Kristin Mallory suicide
It will generally be found that where the terrors of life come to outweigh the terrors of death a man will put an end to his life. But the terrors of death offer considerable resistance: they stand like a sentinal at the exit gate.
• Arthur Schopenhauer

Consolation by a possible suicide widens into infinite space this realm where we are suffering....What greater wealth than the suicide each of us bears within himself?
• E. M. Cioran

We need, in love, to practice only this: letting each other go. For holding on comes easily; we do not need to learn it.
• Rilke

As much as the suicidal personality feels able to escape the world by getting rid of the body, reincarnation's revolving door ensures that all hope (of escape) is short lived.
• Joe Fisher

...We are all old-timers,
each of us holds a locked razor.
• Robert Lowell

a reasonable exit
• Stoics

Dip the apple in the brew,
Let the sleeping death seep through.
• Wicked Witch

One said of suicide, "As long as one has brains one should not blow them out." And another answered, "But when one has ceased to have them, too often one cannot."
• F. H. Bradley

The ocean doesn't want me today,
But I'll come back tomorrow to play.
The riptide is waging
And the life guard's away.
But the ocean doesn't want me today.
• Tom Waits

Let them think what they liked, but I didn't mean to drown myself. I meant to swim till I sank, but that's not the same thing.
• Joseph Conrad

There is only one prospect worse than being chained to an intolerable existence: The nightmare of a botched attempt to end it.
• Arthur Koestler

It was easy enough to kill yourself in a fit of despair. It was easy enough to play the martyr. It was harder to do nothing. To endure your life. To wait.
• Erica Jong

...So I concluded that the dead are better off than the living. And most fortunate of all are those who were never born.
• Ecclesiastes

All healthy men having thought of their own suicide...
• Albert Camus

Suicide has never been dealt with except as a social phenomenom...An act like this is prepared within the silence, as is a great work of art. The man himself is ignorant of it. One evening he pulls the trigger or jumps.
• Albert Camus about life, being in fact the sincerest form of criticism life gets.
• Wilfrid Sheed

Just as I shall select my ship when I am about to go on a voyage, or my house when I propose to take a residence, so shall I choose my death when I am about to depart from life.
• Seneca

...the day you die is better than the day you are born.
• Ecclesiastes

Death is a punishment to some, to others a gift, and to many a favour.
• Seneca

Nine men in ten are would be suicides.
• Benjamin Franklin

It's downhill in too many ways now. I've had enough.
• me

Whereas a prolonged life is not necessarily better, a prolonged death is necessarily worse.
• Seneca

Love dead. Hate living.
• Frankenstein

Every disgruntled person in this world has played with the idea of suicide, self destruction, at some time or other.
• Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad

It is obvious that everyone has no more undeniable right than that to his own personality and life.
• Arthur Schopenhauer

see ya...wouldn't want to be ya
• me

He who does not accept and respect those who want to reject life does not truly accept and respect life itself.
• Thomas Szasz

Some rainy winter Sundays when there's a little boredom, you should always carry a gun. Not to shoot yourself, but to know exactly that you're always making a choice.
• Lina Wertmuller

I believe often that death is good medical treatment because it can achieve what all the medical advances and technology cannot achieve today, and that is stop the suffering of the patient.
• Christiaan Barnard

It is not a thing to do while one is not in one's best mind. Never kill yourself while you are suicidal.
• Edwin Shneidman

Death is my final civil liberty, and I do not choose to surrender it to the state, a church or a physician.
• Frederick Ellis

Never murder a man who is committing suicide.
• Woodrow Wilson

Everything's eventual.
• Stephen King

Every person's fight with death is lost before it begins. What makes the struggle worthwhile, therefore, cannot lie in the outcome. It lies in the dignity with which the fight is waged and the way it finds an end.
• Joseph Fletcher

But for prejudice there would be more; many more; all
• Dostoyevsky's Kirilov

L'animo mio, per disdegnoso gusto credendo col morir fuggir disdegno,ingiusto fece me contra me giusto.
[I was very upset and I believed to avoid the scorn of the other people by dying; so I committed suicide.]
• Dante Alighieri

Why do they always have to come up with a 'reason'?
• Laura Anderson

Consolation by a possible suicide widens into infinite space this realm where we are suffering....What greater wealth than the suicide each of us bears within himself?
• E. M. Cioran

When asked, 'Sibyl, what do you want?' she would reply, 'I want to die.'
• T. S. Eliot

(Suicide is) a suicidal act with a fatal outcome

The absolute hopelessness of suicidal depression is, by its nature, contagious, and it renders those who would help impotent to do so.
• Kay Jamison

They tell us that suicide is the greatest piece of cowardice...that suicide is wrong; when it is quite obvious that there is nothing in the world to which every man has a more unassailable title than to his own life and person.
• Arthur Schopenhauer

The thought of suicide is a powerful solace: by means of it one gets through many a bad night.
• Friedrich Nietzsche

Suicide is man's way of telling God, "You can't fire me—I quit."
• Bill Maher

depression's last stop
• George Colt

• No one ever lacks a good reason to suicide.
Cesare Pavese

To run away from trouble is a form of cowardice and, while it is true that the suicide braves death, he does it not for some noble object but to escape some ill.
• Aristotle

It's probably the only way we can give our death a meaning. Because otherwise it's completely arbitrary.
• David Cronbenberg

The great thing about suicide is that it's not one of those things you have to do now or you lose your chance. I mean, you can always do it later.
• Harvey Fierstein

Who is in charge of the clattering train?
The axles creak and the couplings strain;
And the pace is hot, and the points are near,
And Sleep has deadened the driver's ear;
And the signals flash throught the night in vain,
For Death is in charge of the clattering train.
• Anonymous

We can consciously end our life almost anytime we choose. This ability is an endowment, like laughing and blushing, given to no other any given moment, by not exercising the option of suicide, we are choosing to live.
• Peter McWilliams

Suicide is prepared within the silence of the art, as is a great work of art.
• Albert Camus

Hope is a necessity for normal life and the major weapon against the suicide impulse.
• Karl A. Menninger

Life is impoverished, it loses its interest, when the highest stake in the game of living, life itself, cannot be risked.
• Sigmund Freud

Whenever Richard Cory went downtown,
We people on the pavement looked at him:
He was a gentleman from sole to crown,
Clean-favored, and imperially slim.
And he was always quietly arrayed,
And he was always human when he talked;
But still he fluttered pulses when he said,
"Good morning," and he glittered when he walked.
And he was rich -- yes, richer than a king --
And admirably schooled in every grace:
In fine, we thought that he was everything
To make us wish that we were in his place.
So on we worked, and waited for the light,
And went without the meat, and cursed the bread;
And Richard Cory, one calm summer night,
Went home and put a bullet through his head.
• Edwin Arlington Robinson

Nowadays not even a suicide kills himself without desperation. before taking the step he deliberates so long and so carefully that he literally chokes with thought. It is even questionable whether he ought to be called a suicide, since it is really thought which takes his life. He does not die with deliberation, but from deliberation.
• Søren Kierkegaard

I do see that there is an argument against suicide: the grief of the worshipers left behind, the awful famine in their hearts, these are too costly terms for the release.I do see that there is an argument against suicide: the grief of the worshipers left behind, the awful famine in their hearts, these are too costly terms for the release.
• Mark Twain

People who talk a lot about their troubles never commit suicide; talk's the greatest safety-valve there is. I always laugh at that bit in Hamlet where he pretends to despise himself because he unpacks his heart with words, and falls a-scolding like a very drab; that's why the soliloquy about suicide is just Hamlet putting on intellectual airs. A chatterbox like that would never pop himself off with a bare bodkin. No, the suicides are the quiet ones, who can't find the words to fit their misery.
• Robertson Davies

the Gordian knot of pleasure and of pain can only be severed by the stroke that terminates existence.
• Madame De Stael-Holstein

There is no refuge from confession but suicide, and suicide is confession.
• Daniel Webster

If I commit suicide, it will not be to destroy myself, but to put myself back together again. Suicide will be for me only one means of violently re-conquering myself...
• Antoin Artaud

Her wish to die was as pervasive as a dial tone: you lift the receiver, it's always there.
• Joyce Carol Oates

The body is amazingly stubborn when it comes to sacrificing itself to the annihilating directions of the mind.
• Sylvia Plath

The body is a damn hard thing to kill.
• Anne Sexton

Suicide...seems to me to be a flight by which man hopes to recover Paradise Lost instead of trying to deserve Heaven.
• Paul-Louis Landsberg

One does not kill oneself for love of a woman. One kills oneself because love—any love—reveals us in our nakedness, our misery, our vulnerability, our nothingness.
• Cesare Pavese

If wild my breast and sore my pride,
I bask in dreams of suicide,
if cool my heart and high my head
I think, "How lucky are the dead."
• Dorothy Parker

depression takes over
Thou shalt not kill; but needst not strive officiously to keep alive.
• A. H. Clough

Death hath a thousand doors to let out life. I shall find one.
• Sir Thomas Browne

Next week, or next month, or next year I will kill myself. But I might as well last out my month's rent, which has been paid up...
• Jean Rhys

It would be hard to define chaos better than as a world where children decide they don't want to live.
• Edward Hoagland

I wish that I was dead. Oh, they'll be sorry then.
I hate them and I'll kill myself tomorrow.
I want to die. I hate them, hate them. Hate.
• Vernon Scannell

There is a doctrine whispered in secret that a man is a prisoner who has no right to open the door and run away; this is a great mystery which I do not quite understand.
• Socrates

Self-murder, that infernal crime, which all the gods level their thunder at!
• Fane

If I want to die, what am I saving myself for?
• Joanne Greenberg

The ready availability of suicide, like sex and alcohol, is one of life's basic consolations.
• Edward Abbey

• Suicide: Don't knock it if you ain't tried it.
Edward Abbey

When we are treated as enemies by destiny we have a right to endeavor to escape its malignity: and yet the regulator which determines the result of this balance is entirely within ourselves: the same sort of life, which reduces one to despair, would fill another with joy, who is placed in a sphere of less elevated hopes.
• Madame De Stael-Holstein

You fellows, in your business, you have a way of handling problems like this. Somebody leaves a pistol in the drawer. I don't have a pistol.
• Richard Nixon, to Al Haig

There are circumstances in which suicide presents a viable option; a workable
alternative; the only sensible solution.
• Edward Abbey

Life is pleasant.
Death is peaceful.
It's the transition that troublesome.
• Isaac Asimov

Suicide is the most sincere form of self-criticism
• unknown

I hate myself, and I want to die.
• Kurt Cobain

It's better to burn out
Than to fade away.
• Neil Young

Most people, in committing a suicidal act, are just as muddled as when they do anything important under emotional stress. Carefully planned acts of suicide are as rare as carefully planned acts of homicide.
• Erwin Stengel

The ocean doesn't want me today,
But I'll come back tomorrow to play.
The riptide is waging
And the life guard's away
But the ocean doesn't want me today.
• Tom Waits

The person who completes suicide dies once. Those left behind die a thousand deaths, trying to relive those terrible moments and understand...
• unknown

But we are all insane anyway...The suicides seem to be the only sane people.
• Mark Twain

Death is in my sight today
Like the recovery of a sick man...
Like the longing of a man to see his house again
After many years of captivity....
• "Dispute Over Suicide"

Suicide is multifaceted. It can be done out of courage or cowardice. It can be an escape or an act of protest. There is no ethical standard by which to judge suicide. It always depends on the individual and the circumstances. I think everyone has the right to make his own choice...
• Nikolai Rafaelovich

Blessed be he who has passed
through this world
In its fateful moments.
• Tiutchev

It'll be by a train, a semi, or a Desert Eagle .357 Magnum.
• me

...a wicked and perfidious act to cast out of one's body the soul which God has committed to it.
• Joesphus Flavius

...Yes, but there are sadder things in life even that that. Short as it is, there is not a man in the world who is happy enough not to wish—not once but again and again—to be dead rather than alive. Troubles come, diseases afflict us, and this makes life, desipte its brevity, seem all to long....
• Artabanus is better not to be born, next best to leave this world as quickly as possible.
• Theognis of Megara

Not to be born is the most to be desired; but having seen the light, the next best is to go whence one came as soon as may be.
• Sophocles

Thou shalt not kill.
• Sixth Commandment

Paete, non dolet.
• Arria

...death afford our souls their liberty and sends them to their own place of purity, where they are to be insesible to all sorts of miseries.
• Eleazar

What shall become of their souls, God alone can tell. His mercy may come...betwixt the bridge and the brook, the knife and the throat.
• Robert Burton

...a French solider ought to show as much courage in facing the adversities and afflictions of life as he shows in facing the fire of a battery. Whoever commits suicide is a coward.
• Napoleon

...the existence of God is the supreme argument against the legitimacy of suicide.
• L'ùon Meynard the bottom, all the reasons leading to suicide can be reduced to one—namely suffering. Disease, failure, misery, death are but some of the expressions, among many others, of the basic evil.
• L'ùon Meynard

Death hath ten thousand several doors.
• John Webster

The many at one moment shun death as the greatest of evils, at another yearn for it as a respite from the evils of life...
• Epicuris

No one kills himself who did not want to kill another or, at least, wish death to another.
• Wilhelm Stekel

...childish form of raction to a childish overestimation of motivations, humiliations, and disappointments. It represents, like neurosis and psychosis, an escape by anti-social means from the injustices of life.
• Alfred Adler

Nobody commits suicide who has not given up hope for love.
• Isidor Sadger

To sum up: remember the door is open. Be not a greater coward than the children, bu do as they do. When things do not please them, they, "I will not play anymore." So when things seem to you to reach that point, just say "I will not play anymore" and so depart, instead of staying to make moan.
• Epicetus

Death is a very sure haven, which should never be feared, and often sought...the more volunatry a death is the more beautiful it is...Life depends on the will of others' death on our own will.
• Seneca

I don't break the law (referring to "Thou Shalt Not Kill") made for crooks, when I take away my own property—thus I am not obliged to conform to the law made for murderers when I deprive myself of my own life.
• Michel de Montaigne

To live by violence is unfair, to die by violence is the fairest of all.
• Seneca

...That a man, from the necessity of his own nature, should endeavor to become non-existent is as impossible as that something should be made out of nothing.
• Spinoza

...We must wait, they say, for the end Nature has decreed. The man who says this does not see that he has blocked his way to freedom. Eternal law has never been more generous than in affording us so many exits to one entry....The situation of humanity is good in that no one is wretched except by his own fault. If you like, live; if you don't like, you can go back where you came from.
• Seneca

La douleur insupportable et une pire mort me semblent les plus excusables incitations.
• Michel de Montaigne

If it is permitted to seek a cure for gout, why not for life?
• Jean-Jacques Rousseau's "St. Preux"

Prevention of Suicide: There is a justice according to which we take a man's life, but there is none whatsoever when we deprive him of dying: this is only cruelty.
• Friedrich Wilhem Nietzsche

The life of man is of no greater importance to universe than that of an oyster.
• David Hume

Suicide is man's right and privilege.
• Friedrich Wilhem Nietzsche

Prudence and courage should engage us to rid ourselves at once of existence when it becomes a burden.
• David Hume

I guess they call it suicide,
but I'm to full
to swallow my pride
I can't stand losing you
• The Police

...the supreme boon bestowed on man among all the penalties of life.
• Pliny the Elder

You wanna commit suicide...tie your shoes and have some brugiol.
• "Tony Soprano," The Sopranos

Death really only hurts those who are left.
• "Augustus Hill," Oz

It takes far less courage to kill yourself
than it takes to make yourself wake up one more time.
It's harder to stay where you are than to get out.
(For everyone but you, that is.)
• Judith Rossner

If God were suddenly condemned to live the life
which He has inflicted upon men,
He would kill Himself.
• Alexandre Dumas, fils

La mort est secourable et la mort est tranquille.
Ah! contre les douleurs il n'ya a pas d'autre asile.
• Leo Tolstoy

I tried to commit suicide
by sticking my head in the oven,
but there was a cake in it.
• Lesley Boone

As much as the suicidal personality feels able to escape the world by getting rid of the body, reincarnation's revolving door ensures that all hope (of escape) is short lived.
• Joe Fisher

Every disgruntled person in this world has played with the idea of suicide, self destruction, at some time or other.
• Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad

Be grateful for every year you live. No matter how long you live, remember that you will be dead much longer. There is nothing at all to look forward to.
• Ecclesiastes 11:18

It is silliness to live when life is torment; and then we have a prescription to die when death is our physician.
• "Roderigo," Othello

Ye know not the time or the hour.
• Bible

Bsu-f x (Pw x Ew x [Hw x Mw]/Ps x Es x [Hs x Ms]) or Bsu=f(Pw x Ew x sBrw/Ps x Es x Sbrs)
• Calvin J. Frederick/H. L. P. Resnik

You will not find peace by avoiding life.
• Virginia Woolf

The dead drive fast.
• Dracula

No thought is born in me that has not "Death" engraved upon it.
• Michelangelo

Better an end with terror than a terror without end.
• German saying

Frieda Kahlo
Chronic anxiety is a state more undesirable than any other, and we will try almost any maneuver to eliminate it.
• Robert E. Neale

When man is seen from the very pit of despair, it may be said that there are only three kinds of people: those who commit suicide, those who attempt it and fail, and those who do not even try. The latter are the living dead.
• Robert E. Neale

Perhaps we are all already on the path, losing our lives and it is only a matter of time.
• Robert E. Neale

The despair of the living dead "is the disconsolateness of not being able to die."
• Søren Kierkegaard

For death rarely seeks out people; we seek out death.
• Robert E. Neale

motivations behind suicide ... death as retaliatory abandonment, as omnipotent mastery, as self-punishment, as a reunion, as a phenomenon that in an emotional sense has already taken place, as retroflexed murder, and as rebirth.
• Herbert Hendin

Against you I will fling myself, unvanquished and unyielding, O Death!
• Virginia Woolf

the most fatal of sins because it cannot be repented of
• Thomas Aquinas

We are not responsible for one another's lives or deaths; each man's life and death is his own. But we are responsible to our involvements.
• James Hillman

Death shall be no more, nor mourning, nor crying, nor sorrow.
• Apoc. 21:4

Most people never have to face the fact that at the right time and right place, they're capable of anything.
• Noah Cross, in Chinatown

What they don't know is what we do to them in our heads.
• sniper, in Phone Booth

In my dreams I'm dying all the time ... I never meant to hurt you. I never meant to lie. So this is goodye...this is goodbye ... Tell the truth, you never wanted me. Tell me.
• Moby

Suicide can liberate one from the anxiety of fate and death—as the Stoics knew. But it cannot liberate from the anxiety of guilt and condemnation—as the Christians know.
• Paul Tillich

I believed a person could consider himself a human being as long as he felt totally prepared to kill himself, to interfere in his own biography.
• Varlam Shalamov

The kid in me is suicidal over the fat bastard I've become.
• "Peter Griffin," The Family Guy

Thus we hear that suicide is the most cowardly of acts, that only a madman would commit it, and similar insipidities; or the senseless assertion that suicide is "wrong," though it is obvious there is nothing in the world a man has more incontestable right to than his own life and person.
• Arthur Schopenhauer

The psychoanalytic theories of suicide prove, perhaps, only what was already obvious: that the processes which lead a man to take his own life are at least as complex and difficult as those by which he continues to live. The theories help untangle the intricacy of motive and define the deep ambiguity of the wish to die but say little about what it means to be suicidal, and how it feels.
• A. Alvarez

It is this which makes suicide easier: for the physical pain associated with it loses all significance in the eyes of one afflicted by excessive spiritual suffering.
• Arthur Schopenhauer

Why commit suicide? Pills are a whole lot easier.
• "Johnny Sack," The Sopranos