Sunday, May 21, 2006

my super powers

I have various super powers that I'm proud of! ;-D

1. ability to ping a cat on the head from any distance

Even though this is completely unintentional, whenever I toss a paper ball or cat toy to one of my cats, I, without trying, inevitably manage to bounce the toy off the top of the cat's head.

2. ability to guess numbers

Batman!It peeves my husband that, whenever he asks me to guess someone's age, what a house or car costs, etc., etc., I manage to guess it almost perfectly. Or, it also really makes him mad when he thinks I'll guess some number way under what it should be (like what a fancy car costs), and instead I guess something super high. That really bursts his bubble!

3. ability to time things without having to look at a clock

If I put something in the oven, for example, and then set the microwave timer, without having to look at any other clock, I'll go back into the kitchen to check on whatever it is and will see that the timer has only about 5 seconds left on it.

Shazam4. ability to watch something on TV, make a comment, and then have someone on TV say the exact same thing.

This has happened more than a few times, though right now I can only remember one recent example:

I was watching TV one Sunday night and saw that The Simpsons would be on, followed by Family Guy, followed by more The Simspons. I exclaimed to my husband, "Man, it's a bonanza tonight!"

The Simpsons' opening credits ended, surreally enough, with the Simpson family out on the range, dressed as the Bonanza folks, and singing the theme song!